The coronavirus pandemic had a negative impact on the air transportation sector in the world, but at the end of the summer of 2021, the situation began to improve. Thus undoubtedly affects the overall labor market, the economy as a whole. AeroStan is currently recruiting staff, so interested persons can send their resumes to us.
How many positions there are in our aircompany, AeroStan CEO, A.K. Mykyev, as well as HR manager, S. Imanalieva, has told on the morning program of the Pyramida TV channel. Watch the interview by the below link.
“The main reason why people choose a career in aviation today is the international scale of this profession. You can study in Kyrgyzstan and work abroad after obtaining a license. Recently, our specialists have been doing the opposite more and more often. In Kyrgyzstan, in our airline, they can provide themselves with a decent lifestyle. Our pilots perform interesting flights. For example, cross-Atlantic flights to countries such as Mexico, Brazil (El Salvador), Cape Verde, Chile, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Costa Rica, Casablanca and Indonesia”- said the Director General, A.K. Mykiev.
INTERVIEW FOR “PYRAMIDA” TV: How many positions to AeroStan?